1: Allen Ginsberg "Ommmm.." 2: Reciting his epic poem "Howl," conjuring up the City of Moloch... 3,4: Playing the harmonium, singing his version of Blake’s “The Grey Monk,” an ode to Peace and the tyranny of revolution.
1: Allen Ginsberg "Ommmm.." 2: Reciting his epic poem "Howl," conjuring up the City of Moloch... 3,4: Playing the harmonium, singing his version of Blake’s “The Grey Monk,” an ode to Peace and the tyranny of revolution.
Bucky (R Buckminster Fuller) talking of the nature of rapidly exploding realms of information, the Information essence of Reality and the Revolution of the Young.
Claes Oldenburg grappling with Sacred Symbols of American Culture: The enormous Light Switch (left) and the monumental Mickey Mouse crying (right), of his show at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
Semaine Internationale de la Critique Francaise French Film Critics’ selection: XXIV FESTIVAL INTERNATIONALE DU FILME, CANNES
Grand Prize co-winner, ANN ARBOR FILM FESTIVAL
“A monumental documentary..." JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE
"Perhaps the most important document produced anywhere on the American counterculture of the late Sixties." THE FILM COMPANION
"Probably the most important ideological comment on the radical American youth culture to appear this year." AMOS VOGEL, INTERNATIONAL FILM GUIDE
‘Chicago' stands out as a turning point in American politics. The trial of 'conspirators,' brought home, perhaps better than any rhetoric, just what the Yippie 'conspirators' had spoken about so often. In Breathing Together: Revolution of the Electric Family, Morley Markson captures the meaning of this pivotal moment in American history ..... in an incisive commentary on where America is today and where it may be going in the future."
DAVID BIENSTOCK, CURATOR OF FILM, WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART where the film premiered in New York for a one week run.
New Line's Poster, Cannes Film Festival
Breathing Together: Revolution of the Electric Family
John Sinclair, prophet of the extreme, impresario of the MC5, Chairman of the White Panther Party. His 10 point program includes: "total assault on the culture by any means necessary, including rock and roll, dope, and fu--ing in the streets."
Peacenik... the most haunting image of all.
Automotive Orgy of Self-Destruction
Street Dancer as protester
Fans at a concert of the MC5
MegaSuperman, Santa Claus Parade, New York
Timothy Leary
John Lennon & Yoko Ono,
Montreal, bed-in for P.E.A.C.E.
Don Cox, Black Panther head at New York
Fred Hampton, speaking at the Stop the Trial Rally, Chicago, before being shot.
Fred Hampton's apartment after the shooting.
Guarding the Capitol ,Washington Moratorium on the War in Vietnam
Crowds advancing, Washington Moratorium
Hare Klishna Chanters for Peace etc. George Washington Monument,
Jerry Rubin speaking at Wisconsin State University during The Trial.
Breathing Together: Revolution of the Electric Family
Production, Direction, Cinematography:
Morley Markson
Editing: M. Markson, JNW Smith
Location Sound: Tony Hall, Tom Burger,
Jim Plaxton, Geoff Chesebrough
Sound Mix: Fred Sengmueller
Assistant Producer: Joan Schafer
Video Effects: Steven Smith, David Stringer,
York University
Post-Production Facilities:
Allan King Assoc. Dennis Miller Assoc.
Laboratories: Pathe Humphries, Quinn Labs
Larry Goldblatt, Murray Goldman, Henri FIks, Geraldine Sherman.
Space Shots: Carl Zeiss A.G.
The Canada Council, Ontario Arts Council
The documentary classic of the 60's.
"Prophecy was taken from the Prophets and given to the Wise as well as Fools and Children" Elyahu KiTov
Al Photos above
© Morley Markson
Allen Ginsberg
Jerry Rubin
Abbie Hoffman
William Kunstler
Black Panthers:
Fred Hampton
Don Cox
White Panther:
John Sinclair
Timothy Leary
John Lennon & Yoko Ono
Claes Oldenberg
R. Buckminster Fuller
The documentary classic of the 60's.
William Kunstler Defence Lawyer, Chicago Seven, speaks during the Conspiracy Trial in Chicago on the history of the mis-application of Justice as a tool of government policy.
Claire Bassett <cbassett@itol.com>
25 Feb
to me
Hi Mr. Markson,
I'm a student at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. I'm fascinated by 60s counterculture, and I'm wondering, how can I find a copy of your film "Breathing Together"? I'm asking just because I'd love to see it. Thank you for your help.
Hi again sir!
I found "Growing Up in America" on a site called the Internet Archive. Thanks for the search tips.
I just watched "Growing Up" and it was really neat (as well as surprising, uplifting, frustrating, and eloquent).
Thank you. -Claire